Tuesday, March 20, 2012


During his visit in Slovenia, Chairman of Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI) Mr. Ilir Meta was presented with the “Most Positive Personality in Foreign Policy for 2010” Award by IFIMES, the International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies, in Ljubljana.

During the awards ceremony, on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of IFIMES, the award was presented to Mr. Meta by former Croatian President Mr. Stjepan Mesic, at the same time Honorary President of IFIMES.

Mr. Meta was praised as the most positive political personality for 2010, when he served as Deputy Prime Minister & Foreign Minister, for his positive and concrete contribution in exercising the foreign policy of Albania and for his personal and institutional influence in strengthening good regional and neighborly relations amongst the countries of the Western Balkans. IFIMES praised Meta’s vision at the head of Albanian Diplomacy as a political personality with a regional weight and with a clear purpose to create a more open, positive and integrated region.

During his speech, Mr. Meta said:

“Thank you to IFIMES and President Mesic for the great honor in presenting me with this award in recognition of our efforts to achieve a region without barriers, in peace and stability and with long term prosperity.

I am proud that Albania has always practiced a very positive and constructive foreign policy towards its neighbors, contributing for a better region. We believe that our constructive policy comes first of all, from our regional weight and responsibility, as a country surrounded by Albanians living in neighboring countries, and secondly, because we serve our national interest with pragmatism.

Better relations and less barriers we have between our countries, better it will be for the lives of all our citizens. Albania has excellent relations with all its neighbors. We have removed barriers with Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo. Our citizens now travel only with ID cards to these countries. We have also drastically improved our infrastructure in order to facilitate better movement of people and goods between our countries.

Relations between Albania & Serbia are key for the future of our region. This is why I visited Belgrade 2 years ago and the Preshevo Valley, in order to give a message of hope and cooperation.

Kosovo is now independent. The European Union is preparing a roadmap for visa liberalization and a feasibility study for a Stabilization Association Agreement for the future integration of Kosovo. I praise the recent agreement between Serbia and Kosovo, but now it is important that its points are implemented on the ground, with mutual respect.

The future of all our countries is in the European Union. We don’t need nationalism, no borders and no hatred. We need more love, more human & economic exchanges and an integrated region with a safe future in Europe.

As politicians, we have the responsibility to stand up to the vision of our common future and take difficult and responsible decisions, which in the end can only serve prosperity and stability for all our people. This is why now we should act with courage and pragmatism. We should all look to the future of our children, not to the past of our grandfathers. I thank you for this great honor and appreciation”.

Other awards were also presented to Professor Dr. Ernest Petrič, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, who received the award for his lifetime achievements; Zoran Živković, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, who received the award for his outstanding contribution to promoting democratic changes in Serbia;. Jelko Kacin, Member of the European Parliament and Vice-Chair of the EP Delegation for South-East Europe, who received the award for "The most visible European politician in the West Balkans"; and Amir Ahmić, the liaison officer with the Hague International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, who received the award for "his contribution to promoting truth, justice and reconciliation".

* Further information on IFIMES and the ceremony can be found online

Very Positive political meetings in Slovenia

We had a fantastic time with Ilir Meta in Ljubljana where we met with Roman Jakic, Head of the EU Affairs Committee at the Slovenian Parliament, with Janko Veber, Leader of the Parliamentary Group of the Social Democrats and had a wonderful warm reception by former Mayor of Ljubljana and Head of the newly founded party Pozitivna Slovenija Zoran Jankovic. Very encouraging to see that Slovenia remains a stern supporter of Albania's EU integration and very thankful to our friends in Ljubljana.

For Albanian version of the news click here

Friday, March 16, 2012

Extreme nationalistic movements have no place in Albania

Tirana Observer: The Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI) says nationalistic and xenophobic movements have no place in Albania. “We Albanians are a role model of tolerance, co-existence and constructiveness. The whole world appreciates these traits in us,” said the SMI International Secretary Ralf Gjoni. He said the recent interethnic incidents in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are sporadic and do not harm the relations between Tirana and Skopje. According to him, the two countries are an example of good neighbourhood, as shown also through the December 2011 agreement on border crossing only with ID cards. Further, Gjoni said electoral reform has not to do only with the EU integration process but also with the well-functioning of democracy. As such, he held that the electoral code should be able to translate the people’s vote into parliamentary seats. He said the new president should be a guarantor of the Constitution and should reflect moral integrity and political courage. He said the process for the selection of the new president will be constitutional in any case, but it would be important for the process to be constructive. According to him, Albania would have obtained the EU candidate country status two years ago if it weren’t for the “destructive policies pursued masterfully by the opposition”. (Tirana Observer, p. 3)

SHQIP: Sekretari Ndërkombëtar i LSI-së, Ralf Gjoni, në një intervistë për “Tirana Observer” flet aktualitetin politik, reformën zgjedhore, debatin presidencial, si edhe anëtarësimin e Shqipërisë në Bashkimin Evropian. Po ashtu ai flet edhe Aleancën Kuq e Zi, për të cilën Gjoni thekson “se nacionalizmi ekstrem apo ksenofobia kanë vend në Shqipëri, kur ne kemi qenë dhe mbetemi model i tolerancës, bashkëjetesës dhe konstruktivitetit në rajon. Për këtë na vlerëson e gjithë bota”


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Incidentet ne Maqedoni kerkojne pjekuri politike dhe te mos keqperdoren per interesa te ngushta

Pas incidenteve te fundit shqetesuese ne Maqedoni, LSI denon ashper
dhunen e ushtruar ndaj individeve te cdo etnie, duke bere thirrje per
qetesi dhe pjekuri qytetare e politike te te gjitha paleve.

Vleresojme angazhimin e autoriteteve maqedonase per hetimin e plote
dhe per ndalimin e shkaktareve te incidenteve te panevojshme etnike qe
synojne vetem ne prishjen e klimes se paqes dhe sigurise ne rajon.

LSI u ben thirrje gjithashtu te gjithe aktoreve politike ne te dy anet
e kufirit, por edhe pertej vendeve tona fqinje, te distancohen nga
keqperdorimi i incidenteve te tilla per interesa te ngushta politike.

Shqiperia dhe Maqedonia kane arritur nje bashkepunim te shkelqyer
gjate viteve te fundit, dhe asnje faktor qe acaron klimen miqesore,
nuk duhet toleruar, por duhet denuar.

Sot lipset durim, pjekuri dhe sens pergjegjesie nga te gjithe, per ti
sherbyer rikthimit te menjehershem te qetesise ne sherbim te
marredhenieve sa me te mira nderetnike dhe fqinjesise se mire mes
vendeve tona.

Ralf Gjoni
Sekretar Nderkombetar / LSI